Setting Priorities

When there is not enough money, what do you do?

The war in Ukraine, energy prices, commodity shortages, and inflationary economic realities have all reduced the amount of personal disposable income.

As families tighten their belts to meet food, fuel and mortgage costs, what is happening to Christian giving?

Parents will still sacrifice for the sake of their children, because their welfare is non-negotiable - even if the family budget is trimmed. It is leisure spending which takes the brunt of the cuts - holidays, meals out, experience events and entertainment; while fitness is still a priority for some.

What about giving to the Lord? Does it fall into the category of leisure - 'nice-to-do-but-it-doesn't-matter-if you-don't', or 'essential family support'?

Paradoxically, it is Christians in poor and troubled countries who are most willing to share money and the gospel of Jesus with those who do not know Him. They are willing to sacrifice, make the time, put in the effort and risk their welfare or even their lives.

We have found such partners in Nepal, Nigeria, Malaysia, Myanmar and Mozambique - they are eager to 'go with the gospel', and their discipleship is led by passionate and devoted local people who love the Lord Jesus.

That is where BeaconLight can step in - providing doctrinally accurate and accessible material. Even more important, is our concern to pray and encourage these leaders to get on with the work.

We build long term relationships with our extended UK team and our overseas partners. Spiritual encouragement is vital because every front-line and back-office worker is in a spiritual battle. Often that encouragement is in even shorter supply than money - in our local churches as well as distant missions.  

We all have to set priorities.

Let us choose to increase our prayer and giving to support the Lord's family to do the Lord's work, as we would support our own families. Let us deliberately invest in the spiritual welfare of people who are hungry for God's Word - both those near to us and our churches, and to those far away.

It is always a good choice to give to Jesus. As the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 shows, the smallest gift of time, money and energy which is offered to the Lord is transformed by Him to bless many others more than we could imagine.